Members can save up to $15,000 annually with CBH discounts.

Becoming a member of CBH brings many benefits to your agency, including access to an advocacy network of behavioral health care providers, opportunities to participate in practice improvement initiatives, and a chance to hear from leading experts in the field of mental health and substance use treatment. 

If you would like more information on the dues for any of the following CBH membership options, please contact us and we would be happy to assist you.

Benefits for Full Members


Networking & Education

Knowledge and experience are the best teachers. To help members connect with each other, CBH hosts two annual events, as well as five learning communities that meet monthly or quarterly, including:

  • Executive retreat
  • Annual conference on May 16
  • Learning communities focused on human resources, billing & operations, clinical practice, health informatics, and vocational rehabilitation.





Members can save over $15,000 annually by accessing CBH benefits:

  • National Council for Behavioral Health: By joining CBH, your organization becomes a full member of the National Council, with discounted access to Relias Online Learning Management system and other vendors, for savings of $4,080 per organization.
  • NatCon: CBH negotiates a deeper discount every year for the National Council’s annual conference, with a discount up to $250 per registration.
  • Open Minds: Complimentary access to up to 17 individuals to Open Minds’ institutes, with discounts up to $900 per registration.
  • Terrapin Pharmacy: Preferred access to Terrapin Pharmacy’s Medherent and other pharmacy solutions.
  • Unemployment Services Trust: Preferred access to Unemployment Services Trust for nonprofit members with ten or more employees to reduce costs of unemployment, with participating CBH members averaging of $4,000 in savings last year.
Business Opportunities   CBH has launched an independent corporate entity, Maryland Behavioral Health Solutions, as a provider network. The network will seek group purchasing and value-based purchasing opportunities by increasing the market power of community behavioral health providers. Network participation is open to any providers meeting defined quality standard, but only CBH members may participate as owners in the network.
Advocacy CBH reads every proposed regulation and bill that impacts behavioral health and is the only association with four staff dedicated solely to representing the interests of community behavioral health providers. Through our weekly newsletter and membership events, providers can reduce surprises about coming developments and ensure that your voice and needs help shape the direction of health care in Maryland.
More Information 


Benefits for Affiliate Members



Knowledge and experience are the best teachers. To help members connect with each other, CBH hosts two annual events, as well as five learning communities that meet monthly or quarterly, including:

  • Executive retreat
  • Annual conference on May 16
  • Learning communities focused on human resources, billing & operations, clinical practice, health informatics, and vocational rehabilitation.
Business Opportunities   Through its events, newsletters, and provider network, CBH offers a variety of marketing and partnership opportunities. 



CBH reads every proposed regulation and bill that impacts behavioral health and is the only association with four staff dedicated solely to representing the interests of community behavioral health providers. Through our weekly newsletter and membership events, providers can reduce surprises about coming developments and ensure that your voice and needs help shape the direction of health care in Maryland.
More Information


Full Membership

Full Membership is available to organizations who directly provide mental health or substance use treatment and related services.

Corporate Members

CBH consistently works to promote the visibility of our Corporate Members: By becoming a Corporate Member of CBH, your company will increase your visibility with behavioral health industry leaders and policymakers in Maryland, while supporting our mission of practice improvements.

  • First to be notified of opportunities to exhibit at CBH’s Annual Conference, and priority display placement in high traffic areas.
  • Special recognition extended to all Corporate Members at the Annual Conference.
  • Receiving first choice of premiere opportunities to advertise and sponsor events or communications which ensures greater company visibility among CBH’s members. 
  • Corporate Member logos will be featured in the CBH News & Updates—an electronic newsletter that reaches more than 250 individuals, over 50 addiction and mental health agencies. To request a Corporate Membership, please print and complete the Corporate Membership Application.

Affiliate Members

CBH lends its experience and expertise to its Affiliate Members by providing a variety of services:

  • Access to information from CBH staff participation in state committees and projects.  Our staff understands the importance of creating lasting relationships with policy makers at every level of state government.
  • Federal and state legislation, budget, Medicaid funding, and regulation updates and action alerts.
  • Active involvement in committees within every area of policy and practice—finance and administration, prevention, and treatment and recovery, outcomes, parity, healthcare reform, and others.

An Affiliate Membership also comes with access to valuable conferences, resources, and discounts:

  • Affiliate members receive conference registration discounts.  The conferences highlight the state and national cutting edge trends and policies in the areas of Behavioral Health (addiction and mental health) prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
  • Special discount pricing on products through professional partnerships like drug screening, laboratory services, food supply and unemployment insurance. To request an Affiliate Membership, please print and complete the Affiliate Membership Application.